SLASH 3D Printer Blazing Away on Kickstarter–Five Days Left to Back at $1199 with Stretch Goodies

3dp_slash_uniz_logoKickstarter has become the go-to for ambitious startups worldwide hoping to raise funds for what are often amazing new innovations, as well as showing the world what they have to offer with detailed descriptions, glossy images, and videos which are meant to be sufficiently captivating to dial in enough backers to help them proceed with manufacturing, production, and distribution.

While just achieving enough funding to forge ahead and get a product out to the public is extremely fulfilling for most at the start, every now and then the rare new product comes along and whips the funding platform—and the 3D printing industry—into a total frenzy. And if you are just launching a new campaign, you've probably closed your eyes a couple of times during a busy work day and imagined amazing headlines for your own innovation, regarding surpassing goals and knocking everyone's socks off. Today though, those headlines and that success still belong to Uniz and their SLASH 3D printer.

4f5b6af7f1465a0fb4e04833d655bb59_originalWe checked in a couple of weeks ago as the San Diego headquartered company, founded in 2014 by a group of talented engineers, was already experiencing smashing success, sailing ahead of their goals already by 400%. Shortly after, we saw progress for the SLASH 3D printer continuing to accelerate, and suddenly Uniz was moving toward stretch goals, offering extra and enticing materials and features for backers—an exercise every Kickstarter campaigner hopes to have the pleasure of engaging in.

Again, why all the excitement over this pretty little printer? Apparently, 3D printing enthusiasts out there are psyched up about certain things like owning the fastest speed ever experienced at the desktop, seizing the opportunity to go big, big, big with their prints, and paying—obviously, quite eagerly—nearly half what one would expect to for a resin-based SLA machine.

stretch 2Once can consider this to be a step up above FDM—and SLA as you know it—delivering industrial grade accuracy but without the associated pricetag. The secret is in LCD masking technology, where layers are printed reliably and instantly, promising high resolution, offering greater volume and much higher speed due to the expedience in handling the higher temperatures required.

Uniz is obviously already seeing the rewards of focusing on serious quality and giving the users what they want, without sacrificing anything—thus allowing designers to produce small, intricate models, as well as expansive prints with extraordinary detail.

There are only five days left in the campaign at the time of this writing, but there are still limited quantities available; for instance, you can still back the SLASH 3D for $1199, snapping up the early bird option with 500 mL of resin—and now, with the stretch goal you also receive an extra vat (a $49 value). Oh wait! And with the next stretch goal reached already, you receive yet another bottle of resin (a $69 value). With just a teensy bit of progress more, those pledging will benefit from the next stretch goal and receive an extra build plate too (a $79 value). (As of the time of editing, there's only $300 more to go before the campaign reaches the $400,000 mark to unlock the third stretch goal!)

uniz (1)As the excitement continues, Uniz has made updates and a new video which demonstrates just how user-friendly the SLASH 3D printer is, showing off all of the following processes:

  • Set-up
  • Slicing
  • Data transmission
  • Printing process and removal of the model
  • Ease in post-processing

There's still enough time to back the campaign if you are in the market for a 3D printer, and indeed this is your chance to get in on a new solution offering breakthrough performance with advanced power, speed, and lots of goodies bundled in all at once thanks to those stretch goals—not to mention being part of one of the most exciting Kickstarter campaigns we've ever seen. Are you backing this campaign, or thinking about doing so in the next few days? Discuss in the SLASH 3D Printer Kickstarter Updates forum over at


Source → SLASH 3D Printer Blazing Away on Kickstarter�Five Days Left to Back at $1199 with Stretch Goodies

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SLASH 3D Printer Blazing Away on Kickstarter–Five Days Left to Back at $1199 with Stretch Goodies Rating: 4.5 Posted by: maiafrans

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